European Union’s drug regulator don yan say make dem ban cough medicine wey get chemical wey be pholcodine because say e fit cause risk of very bad allergic reaction for people wey dey under general anaesthetic.
Di European Medicines Agency come point out say make dem no dey sell all those cough medicine wey carry pholcodine again because if you use am inside 12 months before general Anaesthesia, e fit cause anaphylactic reaction give muscle relaxants for di anaesthetic and Anaphylactic shock na sharp, life-threatening allergic reaction.
Di agency reveal say dem don dey use Opioid-based pholcodine as cough medicine since 1950s.
EU countries wey be Belgium, Croatia, France, Ireland, Lithuania, Luxembourg and Slovenia, still dey sell drugs wey carry di chemical and dem dey use di brand names wey be Dimetane, Biocalyptol and Broncalene.
France been yan for September say dem fit ban pholcodine for risk of allergies because for inside April 2020 when coro dey para everybody and dry cough hol everybody for neck, French authorities warn make people no dey use syrups wey get pholcodine.