Experts for health don warn make women no dey clean dia private part from back to front when dey use toilet finish because e dey increase risk of urinary tract infection for dem.
Di experts continue say dis kain habit dey carry bacteria from anus enter di urinary tract and e go come cause infection even if di woman don collect treatment for di infection before.
New article wey research site wey be been publish, say shit from human being get at least 25 percent of microorganisms wey dey alive like bacteria and virus.
Di experts warn say make women make sure to dey treat UTIs because if dey no do am, e go cause serious health palava like abortion for woman wey get belle. Mwarned that if left untreated, they can gravely impact the health of a woman, warning that untreated UTIs can cause abortion in a pregnant woman.
Another article wey Medical News Today write show say UTI wey woman wey get belle no treat fit lead to Kidney infection, and sepsis in women. E fit still make di woman get premature birth.