Home As e de hot Poor complementary feeding dey cause malnutrition for children – Prof

Poor complementary feeding dey cause malnutrition for children – Prof


One Professor for Public Health Nutrition for di Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun State, Beatrice Ogunba, don tok say na poor complementary feeding practices dey cause di high number of malnutrition for children wey never reach 5 years.

Prof. Ogunba come beg make mama dem no dey play with nutrition for dia pikin especially when dem don finish di 6 months exclusive breastfeeding wey dem dey do, because na after dat time malnutrition dey normally come in for children.

Di nutrition expert yan say complementary feeding dey very impotankpa because e go bring di energy and nutrients wey di pikin need to grow and develop.

Di Prof. explain say Complementary feeding na when pikin start to dey take other solid food when breast milk no dey enough to bring all di nutrients wey di pikin need.

Di nutritionist still warn make mama dem no dey give dia pikin food wey no dey healthy because e fit carry malnutrition come and WHO and UNICEF get liste of food wey dem don approve for children to dey take as complementary for dia age.


(Punch Healthwise)


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